Thursday, June 23, 2011

My eyes ITCH! Itchy eyes and allergies.

NBC's 'Nightly News' recently teased one of their stories with the statement that this year may be our worst year for allergies EVER. The story went on to explain that high levels of rain lead to more plant growth, and thus more pollen and other allergens in the air.
My staff and I can certainly lend some credence to the statements made on that TV show! We are seeing a very high frequency of allergic conjunctivitis or 'allergy eyes' in our office this spring.
Allergies cause a pretty classic set of symptoms, of which itching is the most common. Redness of the white of the eye, and eyelids is also pretty typical, along with a white discharge and some tearing. Both eyes are usually equally involved, and there may also be light sensitivity in some patients.
Treatment consists of cool compresses to ease the itching and artificial tears to rinse out the mucous and the pollens and other allergens that may be the cause of the problem. Prescription eyedrops are more effective than the over-the-counter drops that are available, and may also last longer during the day, so that they won't need to be taken as often. Occasionally, a steroid eyedrop may be needed for a couple of weeks.
Proper diagnosis and treatment by an ophthalmologist, such as Dr. Goldstein, may allow a speedier recovery from the problem. Call the office at 586-323-2020 to arrange an appointment. You can also check out the website,

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