Friday, June 17, 2011

Cataract Surgery in Detroit

Should you be afraid of cataract surgery? Many people are, mainly because they feel that they could have damage to their vision from surgery. Others just say "I hate having anything near my eye". But cataract surgery in Detroit is nothing to fear, especially when performed by Dr. William Goldstein! In fact, cataract surgery is the most commonly performed, and most successful surgery in the United States today.

Dr. Goldstein uses the most modern technique for surgery, to make is safer, easier, faster, and painless for his patients. The technique is one used by only 30 % of surgeons in the United States, and includeds topical anesthetic and a no-stitch incision. Topical anesthetic means that only eyedrops and gels are used, so no needles are placed behind the eye. This incrases safety, and also means that the eye can see immediately. No patch is needed after surgery due to this modern technique. The crystalens cataract surgery includes a crystalens implant that can help to eliminate the need for glasses for distance AND reading!

Surgery generally takes about 10 minutes, and the results are immediately apparent. Dr. Goldstein usually performs 10-13 cataract surgeries per day on his O.R. day.

Call Dr. Goldstein's office at 586-323-2020 to make an appointment today.

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