Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Crystalens Cataract Surgery Detroit

Dr. William Goldstein was one of the first to perform Crystalens Cataract Surgery Detroit, and finds that these lens implants provide the best results for his patients.

"When a patient wants a full range of vision without glasses, the Crystalens is the best choice. It provides distance, near and intermediate vision without glasses in about 90% of patients", said Dr. Goldstein today, after inserting these implants in 5 of his surgery patients.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Dr. G gives back to the community

What a great feeling! Our office is providing charitable eye care every year. Dr. G operated on a man who is out of work due to poor vision. He was desperate, because without a job, no insurance=no surgery. His previous eye doctor refused to operate without cash up front! When the Eagle's club came to Dr. G, he said "Let's do it!"! Congrats on your new vision, and new lease on life, Mr. Rahn!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Implantable Contact Lens Surgery is a big success!! Just ask Kara T, who was -12.0 of nearsightness before surgery, and is 20/20 in each eye without glasses now!