Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lens exchange surgery cures cataracts

The newest, most advanced surgical technique for gaining independence from glasses is lens exchange surgery in Detroit, also known as ReLEx surgery. This surgery is the way that patients can get rid of glasses for distance, intermediate, and near vision all at the same time. And it cures cataracts as well! The surgery is fairly simple, it is also quick and painless. Patients are taken to an outpatient surgery center, where the natural lens of the eye is removed using a micro-incision. A lens implant such as the Crystalens implant is placed in the same position that the natural lens used to be. The incision does not need stitches, so patients are comfortable very quickly after their surgery. Over the course of the next couple of weeks, the intermediate vision improves to the point where patients can see their dashboard in the car, and their computer as well as distance vision without glasses. Texting and more detailed work may take a few months as the vision clears and the muscles develop to flex the implant. So, how does this surgery cure cataracts? Cataracts grow inside the natural lens of the eye. When that lens is removed, the cataracts have no where to grow, and if early cataracts have already formed, they are removed. This surgery is identical to cataract surgery in Detroit. Contact Dr. William Goldstein's office for more information, by calling 586-323-2020, or by checking out the 20/20 vision website!

Thursday, August 09, 2012

When is it time for Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States today, and is one of the most successful too. But how does a patient know when it is time to have the surgery done? Cataract is an eye problem that occurs when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, which results in a decrease in vision, cloudiness or glare. It is incredibly common to live with a cataract for years before experiencing symptoms. The existence of cataracts does not mean that surgery is needed. And the old idea of waiting until a cataract becomes 'ripe' is also not correct anymore.

Timing of Surgery Detroit cataract specialist Dr. William Goldstein has been performing cataract surgery since 1992, and uses the most advanced technique for surgery. He indicates that the timing for cataract surgery with Detroit intraocular lens implant is mostly up to the patient. When the cataract interferes with activities of daily living (ADL's), and these problems cannot be corrected with new glasses, then surgery is indicated. This means that the need for surgery is different in every patient. A younger, more active patient may need surgery sooner, with relatively minimal symptoms. Glare that causes inability to drive at night may be the only symptom, but if it limits the ADL's of that patient, this would be reason enough for surgery. In less active patients, these issues are different, and surgery may not be required until something more significant such as loss of reading vision occurs.

Lens Implant Choices Dr. Goldstein prefers lens implants that are of only the highest quality. If patients want to gain vision that is excellent at all distances, they may require a Crystalens implant, or possibly a multifocal implant such as the ReSTOR lens. The Tecnis multifocal lens is another choice that Dr. Goldstein has begun to use recently. With these lenses, almost all patients are completely free of their glasses. The biggest downside to these lenses is cost, and this cost is not covered by insurance.

Make an appointment with Dr. William Goldstein now! Dr. Goldstein is accepting new patients in his Shelby Township, Michigan office. Call 586-323-2020 or go to his appointment page on the website to arrange a consultation.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

4th of July Fireworks Eye Injuries

The Michigan Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons has released a survey to try to note any increase in fireworks-related injuries since Michigan passed laws permitting advanced fireworks use. Dr. William Goldstein has completed this survey and is monitoring his patients for these issues. The concern is that the more advanced fireworks carry an increased risk. The survey asks eye surgeons to report injuries related to firework use, including the nature of the injury, and what treatment may be needed. LASIK patients may be at increased risk, because flap dislocation with trauma is always a concern for these patients.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Astigmatism correction in Michigan

Astigmatism correction in Michigan is easily performed, and there are many ways to accomplish this easily. Dr. William Goldstein has many tools to correct astigmatism, so most patients can be less dependent on glasses. LASIK surgery is one way to correct astigmatism. Up to 6 diopters of astigmatism can be performed using the VISX laser. Contact lenses can also be used in most patients, and soft lenses will do the trick for almost all patients. This is a great non-surgical alternative for patients who can't have surgery or who don't want surgery. Toric lens implants can be used at the time of cataract surgery as well. These lenses correct astigmatism within the eye by replacing the natural lens of the eye. Power is built in to the lens to correct the astigmatism.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Eye disease for kids if mom smokes

Mothers smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of eye problems in their children, according to a recent study called the Baltimore Pediatric Eye Disease Study. 10,000 children from 6 months to 6years of age were examined, and a consistently higher risk for crossed eyes or 'wall-eyes' was found. Many eye diseases, including cataracts, and macular degeneration are made worse in adults who smoke, but this is the first study to associate eye disease in children with maternal smoking.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bladeless LASIK surgery in Michigan

Bladeless LASIK surgery in Michigan is the newest improvement in LASIK surgery. The technique before this used an instrument that is called a keratome to create the flap. There IS a difference, and there are definite benefits to the most modern techniques that Dr. William Goldstein uses. The keratome is a very good instrument, but is uses a metal blade to cut the flap. During that incision, there is distortion of the cornea, and the depth of the incision can be as much as 25% different than the intended depth. With bladeless lasik surgery, a femtosecond laser is used to make the incision. This increases the accuracy of the cut, with only about a 5% variation from the depth that the surgeon selects. And since there is no movement of a blade or other parts across the cornea, there is less chance of damage to the flap as it is created. There is some added cost to the patient for all-laser lasik in Detroit, but the increased security in the accuracy of the incision is worth it!

Friday, March 02, 2012

My eyelid is twitching...what's wrong with me???

Eyelid twitching can cause a lot of stress for people, and they often come to the office worried that they have a bizarre neurological disease. Even though they have great 20/20 vision, they are concerned that something major is going on, possibly a brain tumor! Luckily, I can reassure them that this is almost never the underlying problem. An eyelid twitch can last for days or weeks before it resolves, and can be a very annoying problem. Eyelid twitch is caused by 3 things: Stress, caffeine, and lack of sleep. There is a bit of a circle that is created that perpetuates the twitch. Stress leads to lack of sleep, which leads to increased use of caffeine, which makes sleep more difficult. Breaking the circle of stress and caffeine can be difficult, but is the key to making this symptom go away. Rarely, the twitch becomes permanent, in which case, Botox can be used to fix the problem.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Crystalens Cataract Surgery in Oakland County

Crystalens cataract surgery in Oakland County has made it so that less and less patients need glasses after cataract surgery. The use of modern technology enables a careful surgeon to reduce or even completely eliminate glasses after surgery. When a patient undergoes an exam for cataract surgery, measurements are performed to calculate the lens implant power on each patient. Then a power of implant is chosen for each eye with a goal of getting rid of glasses. There are 2 types of implants, standard lens implants and advanced technology implants. Only the advanced technology implants, such as the Crystalens, can completely eliminate glasses. The standard implants can only help with the distance portion of vision. If astigmatism is involved, the toric IOL's or additional surgery may be needed.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Video games improve vision in cataract patients

Cataract surgery patients may experience better vision with daily use of video games, a recent Canadian study shows. This finding was in patients 19-31 years of age, who had cataract surgery done when they were children. The researchers had already established that adults who played video games had improvement in their vision, and in their ability to recognize faces and read small print. The study spanned 1 month, and had 6 patients play 40 hours of video games during that month. All patients had improved function, and 5 of 6 had improvement towards 20/20 vision.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Why LASIK in Detroit is so effective

With state of the art technology lasik in Detroit offers unprecedented visual correction and safety. This new technology covers many exciting innovations that have been developed over the past decade. When put together these innovations are known as bladeless LASIK or All Laser LASIK. The first of these innovations is the femto laser than is able to create a thin flap on the surface of the cornea, whichs is the 'front window' of the eye. This is the area that is also reshaped when performing Lasik , in just seconds. When the flap is replaced, the eye is almost back to its preoperative state, and is very comfortable. Another important innovation is the use of new technology that measures the correction your eye needs to see 20/20. Wavefront analysis allows the surgeon to evaluate all aspects of focus in the eye, instead of just relying on the prescription. More than 25 times the information that goes into a simple glass prescription is then fed to the laser that then imparts your own unique correction. This often enables you to see better than you were able to see before with your own glasses or contact lenses. The surgeon at the Laser Eye Care Center is uniquely qualified to perform your laser. Dr. William Goldstein is a Board Certified Ophthalmologists and was one of the first in Michigan to perform this procedure.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Glaucoma in Detroit

Glaucoma in Detroit is a common, and potentially blinding problem. Sometimes called the 'silent killer' of vision, it can only be detected with careful examination by an eye doctor. The pressure check that is performed in all eye doctor's offices is the first step, but since it changes hour to hour and day to day, it is not the most accurate means for detecting glaucoma. Examination of the optic nerve shape, and visual field testing are very important in discovering glaucoma. Early discovery and treatment will almost always prevent blindness.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Crystalens center for excellence, Cataract surgery Detroit

For cataract surgery in Detroit, Dr. Goldstein can be depended on for the most advanced techniques. His office was awarded the Crystalens Center for Excellence award, given to surgeons who use the most advanced intraocular lens implants and the safest cataract surgery technique for their patients. Small incision surgery under topical anesthetic is used for every one of Dr. Goldstein's cataract surgery patients. He is the cataract surgeon in Detroit who will always care for each patient individually.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Diabetic eye disease, sudden vision loss

Sudden vision loss in a diabetic patient is an alarming event, both for the patient, and the eye doctor taking care of them! The causes of this loss vary, and the treatment and outcomes differ too. Sometimes, bleeding inside the eye causes the vision loss. This is like shaking up a snow globe, where the 'snow' is flying around inside, blocking the view. Similar to the snow globe, when the blood settles, the view clears and the patient is able to see again. Then the cause of the bleed can be found and treated. Sometimes, the blood does not clear and surgery is needed. If the diabetes has advanced and caused a retinal detachment, surgery is always needed, but is not always successful. Reattachment of the retina is only part of the problem, since the detachment was usually caused by severe diabetic retinopathy. Once it has gotten to this point, it is difficult to reverse and vision damage or loss is common. Yearly eye examinations are the best means of prevention of damage and vision loss from diabetic eye disease. More info is available at the diabetes eye care page of 2020vision.com.