Friday, March 02, 2012

My eyelid is twitching...what's wrong with me???

Eyelid twitching can cause a lot of stress for people, and they often come to the office worried that they have a bizarre neurological disease. Even though they have great 20/20 vision, they are concerned that something major is going on, possibly a brain tumor! Luckily, I can reassure them that this is almost never the underlying problem. An eyelid twitch can last for days or weeks before it resolves, and can be a very annoying problem. Eyelid twitch is caused by 3 things: Stress, caffeine, and lack of sleep. There is a bit of a circle that is created that perpetuates the twitch. Stress leads to lack of sleep, which leads to increased use of caffeine, which makes sleep more difficult. Breaking the circle of stress and caffeine can be difficult, but is the key to making this symptom go away. Rarely, the twitch becomes permanent, in which case, Botox can be used to fix the problem.

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