Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dry eye season is coming fast!

Dry eye season is coming fast! Anyone who has dry eye syndrome, or even mild dry eyes, is beginning to notice that irritation is getting worse. Why are things getting worse now? First, let's talk about symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Most patients simply experience dry or gritty sensations in their eyes. These tend to be worse later in the day, as we use our eyes. They are made worse by use of computers, reading, and driving, since we tend to blink less when we are doing these activities. Other symptoms may include tiredness, intermittent blurred vision, and even tearing. So why do these symptoms get worse this time of year? As the air gets colder, the humidity in the air drops, increasing dryness. On top of that, forced air heat, which is in use in most buildings, is very dry. Most office buildings, stores etc do not have humidifiers on their heat, which only makes matters worse. Increase your artificial tear use this Holiday season...and if that does not work, consider going to your eye doctor for tear-drain plugs or Restasis! More info is available at or its dry eye page.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Crystalens cataract surgery in Detroit, patient from Kuwait

Our office received this note via email, from a patient who came from Kuwait to see Dr. Goldstein for crystalens cataract surgery in Detroit: "The crystalens lenses that were implanted are working great and my night vision is excellent. In fact, I drove here in Kuwait last night and was completely comfortable with the vision. I really didn't realize how colorful Kuwait was at night. Apparently my cataracts have dimmed the color vision for so long, that I didn't reaize how colorul the lights and other sights are." Thanks Dr. G! I am so glad that I found you to take care of my eyes and implant the crystalens implants in Detroit. It was worth the travel from Kuwait! For more info, visit

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Red eyes, dry eyes and thyroid disease

A patient asked me today if his chronic red eyes really "mean anything". When I asked him what he meant, he said that his eyes feel better due to the dry eye treatment with Restasis, but that the redness had not completely resolved. This lead us to a pretty interesting discussion about red eyes, local diseases of the eye, and what systemic (whole body) problems can lead to red eyes. To put it in simplest form, redness is a sign of irritation. This can be due to dry eyes, allergies, infection, or inflammation, and can range from mild to severe. Many patients do not even feel that there is a problem, but notice redness when they look in the mirror. The first line of treatment is to use soothing lubricant drops, or artificial tears. Visine and other 'get the red out' drops are only to be used occasionally, not long-term, but tears can be used forever if they are working. If tears and other local treatments are not working, then other causes should be considered. Thyroid disease can be linked to dryness, and chronic red eyes. Other more rare causes would include some of the autoimmune diseases such as Lupus or Rheumatoid Disease. Blood tests can help confirm these problems, and sometimes treatment of the entire body is needed, with the red eyes resolving at the same time. It is most likely that if you have red eyes, it is from dry eye, blepharitis or allergies, but if you have concerns, or if eyedrops are failing to help, come see Dr. Goldstein. Call 586-323-2020, or request an appointment online at his website,

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

The itchy eyes are back! Allergy season!

It's that season again...itchy eye season. The spring and fall are the times when our eyes are most reactive to airborn allergy elements. Pollen, grass, ragweed, hay fever....all of these can trigger allergic reactions in peoples' eyes. And let's not forget blepharitis, the most common eye problem seen in most eye doctor's offices. Many patient use over-the-counter allergy drops, but most eye doctors don't recommend them. Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, or 'allergy eyes' is an art. Sometimes, simple application of lubricating eyedrops is all that is needed. Other times more aggressive measures are the answer. Occasionally, patients even need steroid eye drops. In general, the fist step is to apply lubricating drops during the day, and use lid hygeine in the evening. This may be all that is needed to help alleviate symptoms. If this does not work, a visit to the doctor is needed to figure out the next step. Prescription drops for allergies may seem expensive, but since they can act for 24 hours, they may actually be less expensive than the over-the-counter drops, that need to be used 4 times daiiy. The prescription drops are also usually more effective because they work on several areas of allergic reaction. Steroid drops can also be used, but are usually only needed for a short period of time. During this time, an eye doctor should carefully monitor the patient for increases in eye pressure. Careful consideration of all of the different modes of treatment can usually make the most uncomfortable patient very happy and 'itch free'. For an appointment with Dr. Goldstein, call 586-323-2020, or go to his website,

Monday, September 19, 2011

Implantable Contact Lens surgeon in Detroit

The implantable contact lens surgeon in Detroit is Dr. William Goldstein. The implantable contact lens, or ICL, has several advantages over LASIK surgery, and is becoming increasingly popular. Formerly viewed only as a replacement for LASIK in patients who were not candidates for LASIK surgery in Detroit, it has become a primary procedure of choice. The ICL has several advantages, in that it is a fully reversible procedure. In other words, if there is a problem, or a change in prescription, the lens can be removed or replaced. In LASIK surgery, the changes to the cornea are permanent. This is for better or for worse, since it means that the good that is done (getting rid of nearsightendness, for instance) is long-lasting. On the other hand, if any problems with glare and halos or night-vision occur, they are permanent. Another advantage to ICL surgery is that it can correct much higher degrees of correction, more than double the limit of LASIK. Most surgeons will not perform LASIK on patients over a -10.0 of nearsightedness. Dr. Goldstein has actually performed ICL surgery on patients with more than -20.0 of nearsightedness! More information is available on Dr. Goldstein's website,, or by appointment with him. You can arrange to meet him for a free evaluation by calling 586-323-2020.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

The Danger of Diabetes in the Eye

The dangers of Diabetes in the eye are well documented, and I had a reminder of that danger over the Labor Day weekend. I was called into the hospital to see a patient who complained of severe left eye pain. She had been having this problem for about 3 weeks, and her pain was increasing as her vision was decreasing.

When I examined her, I found that the pressure in her left eye was almost 3 times normal. As I looked further, I observed a pattern of lacy blood vessels growing on the iris of her eye. This was a sign that the Diabetes was causing a severe problem known as neovascular glaucoma.

In all likelihood, it is too late to save much if any vision in her eye. The diabetic eye disease has progressed beyond the usual retina issues, and is affecting the front of the eye. Multiple eyedrops to control pressure along with aggressive laser in the retina will be used in an attempt to save her eye, and it will be a long road.

Yearly eye exams for all patients, especially diabetics can prevent these types of problems. Early intervention with laser is especially useful when the disease is confined to the retina.

More information is available on my website or during an appointment with me. Call 586-323-2020 for more info!

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Cataract surgery in Detroit

Dr. Goldstein has been performing cataract surgery in Detroit since 1991, and the technique continues to evolve. After 3 generations of cataract surgery tech, the true micro incision has arrived, with incisions close to 1/16th of an inch. But why does a small incision matter?

To understand this, it is necessary to realize that cataract surgery is actually lens replacement surgery. The cataract forms in the lens of the eye, which must be removed and replaced in order to complete the surgery. The replacement lens that is chosen is intended to allow good distance vision without glasses. To accomplish this goal, the eye must retain its natural shape. A large incision can cause irregularity that leads to astigmatism, which may result in glasses for the patient.

Incisions that are in the 2.5 millimeter range tend to cause almost no astigmatism. Dr. Goldstein is currently making a 2.2 mm incision. This equates to around 1/10th of an inch! The incision also seals itself shut without stitches, making the healing faster and more comfortable for patients. The use of crystalens cataract surgery lens implants allows for a full range of focus so that even readers may not be needed!

More info is available at Dr. Goldstein's website, or by calling the office at 586-323-2020.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Crystalens Cataract Surgery in Detroit

Crystalens cataract surgery in Detroit continues to evolve, with increased use of the lens and better results.

There have been several generations of crystalens implants for cataract surgery, and each one had its own strengths. Thousands of each version have been implanted, and the data is very good, and very complete.

Dr. Goldstein has been involved in the use and data research on all of the different generations of lenses in the United States. Currently, he recommends the Crystalens AO, which is also the most recent addition to the crystalens cataract surgery family. This particular lens functions in the same way that the other lenses did, meaning that it flexes to provide accommodation, or near vision focus. The difference is in the aspheric design, which allows a broader range of vision, with less chance of halos and glare.

Call the office of Dr. Goldstein, which is a crystalens center of excellence at 586-323-2020, or go to the website,

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Eye examinations help with Alzheimer's diagnosis

Eye surgeons are often caught up in the details of performing advanced technique cataract surgery in Detroit. But it has often been said that "The eyes are the windows to the soul". As an eye doctor, I have increasingly realized that the eyes are the window to the overall health of the body. Diagnosis and treatment of such 'full body' conditions like Diabetes and High Blood pressure are great examples.

A recent report indicates that a simple measurement in the eye is probably highly predictive for the development of Alzheimer's Disease! Yet another reminder of how important the eyes are in the overall health of the body. The small study indicates that measurement of the diameter of the blood vessels on the retina in the back of the eye may indicate high risk for Alzheimer's.

What will we do with this information? For now, further research is needed to determine the usefullness of these findings. Eventually, it may allow earlier treatment to prevent progression, or decrease the severity of the disease.

For more information about eye diseases, go to my website,, or call for an appointment, 586-323-2020.

Monday, July 25, 2011

LASIK surgery in Michigan is safer than Contact Lenses!

In general, surgery is considered more dangerous than non-surgical solutions to problems. But is this always true? In the case of eye surgery, the answer may actually be NO! LASIK surgery in Michigan causes vision-threatening problems less often than contact lenses. This may be surprising to some, but any eye doctor will tell you the facts!

Most problems caused by contact lenses are due to overwear. Patients should strive to limit wear time to 12 hours each day, and then switch to glasses. Even lenses that are FDA approved for overnight wear can be dangerous. A British study showed that overnight wear increases the risk of serious infection fourteen times over daily wear!

Contact lenses can cause infection, corneal ulcers, corneal abrasions, punctate keratopathy, and sub-epithelial infiiltrates. Commonly, a specific problem called Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC) is caused by overwear, and may be difficult to cure.

It is very rare for LASIK to result in any form of infection, and when performed on proper candidates for surgery, results in excellent vision within 24 hours. Scarring, abrasions and ulcers are also very rare.

Consider LASIK surgery, for the safety of your eyes! Call Dr. Goldstein's office to arrange a free evaluation 586-323-2020, and check out his website, too!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Cataract Diagnosis and Preventiom

Cataract diagnosis is usually not a very difficult problem, but it can be challenging in areas where access to a doctor isn't easy. This is true in rural areas of the United States, and in lesser developed countries.

CNN reported recently that smartphones may be the answer to this problem! A small device is attached to the phone, and the phone is held up to each eye individually. The software focuses beams of light into the eye, and the patient presses a button when the light appears faded. Next, the software analyzes the information, and provides a virtual map of the cataract in the patient's eye!

This information may be used to guide patients in their need for surgery, or to counsel them to avoid smoking or ultraviolet light. These are two of the biggest promoters of cataracts, and moderation can slow down the progression of cataracts.

Ultimately, cataract surgery is usually needed to cure the problem, and is very successful. A quick, painless outpatient procedure is performed, and vision is restored.

For more information, call Dr. Goldstein's office for an appointment at 586-323-2020, or go to his website.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cataract Surgery Safety

A recent article in the Journal "Ophthalmology" indicates that cataract surgery is safe, even after the age of 90!

The study actually compared outcomes and complications in 80 year olds and 90 year olds, and found no statistical difference in the safety of surgery in these 2 age groups. Interesting, because many patients believe that, once they get 'too old', they should not have surgery because it won't go well. They are worried that it is too risky.

Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed surgery in the U.S. today, and is also the most successful surgery performed in the U.S. today. As an added benefit, cataract patients are benefitting from new technology that allows more freedom from glasses. With the use of such advanced technology implants as the crystalens implant, most patients are completely free of glasses.

More information is available from Dr. William Goldstein, who performs a dozen or more cataract surgeries each week. You can make an appointment by calling 586-323-2020, or visiting the website,

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Macular degeneration treatment

Macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness in the world, and is the number one cause of blindness in the older population in the Unted States. There is treatment for some of the forms of macular degeneration, and there are a few preventative measures that people can employ as well.

Patients with wet macular degeneration, where bleeding is occuring under the retina, may benefit from medications that are injected into the eye. These medications, known as anti-VEGF's, cause the abnormal bleeding vessels to shrink down and stop bleeding. These medications may not only stop the vision loss, but may actually lead to an improvement in vision in many patients. Injections usually need to be repeated several times to bring about reduction of swelling and bleeding. These injections may take several months to complete, and improvement in vision may take much longer.

Several surgical options have been used in the past, including removal of the leaking blood vessels, and use of laser to shrink them. Unfortunately, these options often cause severe immediate decreases in vision.

Patients with risk factors for macular degeneration will benefit from vitamins that follow the AREDS study, and will also benefit from the use of sunglasses and hats to prevent exposure to ultraviolet light.

Dr. William Goldstein helps patients with vision problems such as macular degeneration maintain good vision. Call for an appointment, 586-323-2020, or go to for more information

Monday, June 27, 2011

Why are blue eyes blue?

The sappy 70's song "Don't it make my brown eyes blue" inevitibly leads us to think about whether brown eyes can be turned blue. Maybe the song was inspired by colored contact lenses! But why are there variations in eye color? Why are there so few blue-eyed people?

An article in the journal Human Genetics from 2008, indicates that blue eyes are the result of a single gene mutation that occurred between 6000 and 10000 years ago. The article was written by a cellular molecular biologist, Hans Eiberg.

"A genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a 'switch,' which literally 'turned off' the ability to produce brown eyes," Eiberg said.
The genetic switch is located in the gene adjacent to OCA2 and rather than completely turning off the gene, the switch limits its action, which reduces the production of melanin in the iris. In effect, the turned-down switch diluted brown eyes to blue.
In some patients, this switch is completely off, and their bodies do not produce any melanin. These people are known as albinos, and have the characteristic white hair, and skin, as well as irises that have no color.

So, if brown eyes are from melanin, which is brown, how does lack of melanin cause blue eyes? This is because the deeper layers of the iris absorb most wavelengths of light, while allowing the blue wavelangths to reflect back to the observer. So there is actually no blue pigment in the iris of blue-eyed people!

Dr. William Goldstein provides the best in eye care. Call now to make an appointment, 586-899-9393, or visit the website,

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My eyes ITCH! Itchy eyes and allergies.

NBC's 'Nightly News' recently teased one of their stories with the statement that this year may be our worst year for allergies EVER. The story went on to explain that high levels of rain lead to more plant growth, and thus more pollen and other allergens in the air.
My staff and I can certainly lend some credence to the statements made on that TV show! We are seeing a very high frequency of allergic conjunctivitis or 'allergy eyes' in our office this spring.
Allergies cause a pretty classic set of symptoms, of which itching is the most common. Redness of the white of the eye, and eyelids is also pretty typical, along with a white discharge and some tearing. Both eyes are usually equally involved, and there may also be light sensitivity in some patients.
Treatment consists of cool compresses to ease the itching and artificial tears to rinse out the mucous and the pollens and other allergens that may be the cause of the problem. Prescription eyedrops are more effective than the over-the-counter drops that are available, and may also last longer during the day, so that they won't need to be taken as often. Occasionally, a steroid eyedrop may be needed for a couple of weeks.
Proper diagnosis and treatment by an ophthalmologist, such as Dr. Goldstein, may allow a speedier recovery from the problem. Call the office at 586-323-2020 to arrange an appointment. You can also check out the website,

Monday, June 20, 2011

Astigmatism, a Common Cause of Blurry Vision

Astigmatism is one of the most mistunderstood terms in eye care. In fact, it almost sounds like a life-threatening disease when some patients talk about it! "How can I have LASIK, Dr. Goldstein? I have....ASTIGMATISM!". And really, it's just another common cause of blurry vision.

In most cases, astigmatism is actually a very benign condition, and one that can be treated very successfully. The first step is to understand what astigmatism really is. Actually, astigmatism is similar to near and farsightedness. It is merely a problem in the way that the eye focuses light. Astigmatism occurs when the eye has unequal curvature, and is shaped like a football instead of round in all directions like a basketball. This difference in curve causes two points of focus in side the eye. Nearsighted, or myopic patients have eyes that are too long, and farsighted, or hyperopic patients have shorter than ideal eyes. The treatment of astigmatism is similar to treating nearsightedness and farsightedness. A slightly different approach must be taken, but the solutions are the same!

Glasses, conact lenses, LASIK and other surgeries are very successful in restoring the rounded curvature needed for good vision. Even cataract and relex patients can enjoy good vision with the use of toric lens implants. So, just like near and farsightedness, astigmatism is merely a 'refractive error' that can be treated to allow good vision in almost all patients.
More information is available on Dr. Goldstein's website,, and appointments can be made by calling the office at 586-323-2020

Friday, June 17, 2011

Cataract Surgery in Detroit

Should you be afraid of cataract surgery? Many people are, mainly because they feel that they could have damage to their vision from surgery. Others just say "I hate having anything near my eye". But cataract surgery in Detroit is nothing to fear, especially when performed by Dr. William Goldstein! In fact, cataract surgery is the most commonly performed, and most successful surgery in the United States today.

Dr. Goldstein uses the most modern technique for surgery, to make is safer, easier, faster, and painless for his patients. The technique is one used by only 30 % of surgeons in the United States, and includeds topical anesthetic and a no-stitch incision. Topical anesthetic means that only eyedrops and gels are used, so no needles are placed behind the eye. This incrases safety, and also means that the eye can see immediately. No patch is needed after surgery due to this modern technique. The crystalens cataract surgery includes a crystalens implant that can help to eliminate the need for glasses for distance AND reading!

Surgery generally takes about 10 minutes, and the results are immediately apparent. Dr. Goldstein usually performs 10-13 cataract surgeries per day on his O.R. day.

Call Dr. Goldstein's office at 586-323-2020 to make an appointment today.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Glaucoma Treatment Options

The diagnosis of glaucoma becomes more common as we age, and about 1 out of every 3 patients over the age of 70 has diagnosis. But some studies show that up to 50% of glaucoma goes undiagnosed. And once diagnosed, treatment may be difficult or expensive for patients, leading to ineffective treatment, and potential loss of vision. The approach to treatment of glaucoma is a great example of an area of medicine which involves employing some of “The Art of the Practice of Medicine”. Medical therapy can be used, as well as laser treatment, and even surgical intervention.
• Eyedrops
o Many different drops available
o Some decrease production of fluid inside the eye
o Others increase drainage of fluid out of the eye
o Very effective
• Laser therapy aka ALT (Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty)
o May be used as first-line therapy
o Very effective
o May be repeated later in life if needed
o Often decreases or eliminates the need for eye drops for treatment
• Surgical treatment (Trabeculectomy)
o Usually only employed when other therapies are ineffective
o Higher risk, therefore not used as first-line, but rather when damage has already occurred.
Dr. William Goldstein of the Laser Eye Care Center has the most advanced equipment for the diagnosis of glaucoma. He has extensive experience with the disease, and treatment with all modes of therapy to ensure preservation of vision in these patients. Call 586-323-2020 to arrange an appointment with Dr. Goldstein.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Reading glasses-why do we need them?

Reading glasses are one of the most frustrating additions to our wardrobe that you can think of! They are one of the solutions to the only disease that affects 100% of the human population, "presbyopia". And to add insult to injury, that word means "aging vision"! Everyone eventually realizes that they cannot see well when they bring things close to their eyes, and begin to hold objects and reading material further away to see them clearly. The only problem is that, eventually, our arms are not long enough and the print on the page is too small if we hold things too far away.

Most people have heard of over-the-counter readers, or drug store readers. These actually work very well for most people to bring things back into focus. If a person is already wearing glasses, bifocals can be made with the reading portion in the bottom part of the lenses. Contact lens wearers may choose monovision contacts, where one eye is corrected for near and one for distance, or multifocal lenses, in which many focal distances are built into the same contact lens. Monovision LASIK is also possible, and many successful monovision patients go this route when the have surgery.

Another surgical alternative is ReLEx surgery. ReLEx stands for Refractive Lens Exchange. In this surgery, the natural lens is removed from the eye, and replaced with a lens implant that can give all points of focus. The advantage over monovision is that both eyes are seeing the same image at the same time. More info is available at

Monday, June 06, 2011

Why have LASIK surgery in Detroit by Dr. William Goldstein

Why should you have LASIK surgery in Detroit by Dr. William Goldstein? Here are a few great reasons!!

Experience: is one of the most important aspects of finding a surgeon. Dr. Goldstein was one of the first in Michigan to perform LASIK in 1996. He has thousands of happy patients, including doctors, surgeons, nurses and all of their family members.

Reputation is gained only when a surgeon has satisfied patients and doctors who trust him. Dr. Goldstein has become known as the "Doctor That Doctors Trust". There is good reason for that!

Results are the ultimate measure of a good surgeon. Dr. Goldstein has consistently provided results that were superior to the ones found in the FDA studies.

Personal involvement can be difficult to find in an eye doctor's office. Dr. Goldstein sees every patient, every time, whether preop LASIK, performing the surgery, or postop care.

"Up-to-date technology" is the only way to go. The Visx S4 laser with iris registration, tracking and CustomVue treatment is the most tested and most commonly used LASIK laser in the U.S. Dr. Goldstein does not compromise, he only uses a laser that is the best and most up-to-date.

Call Dr. Goldstein's office now at 586-323-2020 for a free LASIK evaluation! You will meet Dr. Goldstein personally and discuss your options.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Blepharitis: The most common diagnosis for itchy eyes

In an eye doctor's office, not a day goes by without a patient complaining of itchy eyes. This is because itching is the most common way in which the eye indicates inflammation, regardless of the cause. Allergic conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and contact lens-related inflammation can all cause itching.
The most common cause of itching is blepharitis, which is inflammation of the eyelids and eyelashes. Patients will often indicate that the eyelids are also slightly swollen and red. They will also have crusting or mattering at the base of the eyelashes. Some patients call this 'crystalized eyelids', and they will often need a warm washrag to clean their eyelids when they wake up in the morning.
Blepharitis may be linked to allergies, normal bacteria that we all have on our eyelids, skin conditions such as excema or rosacea, or may not have an obvious cause.
The first-line therapy for blepharitis is to cleanse the eyelids daily with a dilute solution of baby shampoo. Commercial preparations, in the form of medicated pads, are available, but can be expensive. If standard lid scrubs with baby shampoo are ineffective, these may work more efficiently. Occasionally a combined antibiotic/steroid eyedrop may be needed. Rarely, antibiotic pills may be necessary if the case is particularly resistant to other modes of treatment.
Blepharitis is a long-term problem that recurs if treatment is stopped. Many patients need to perform lid hygeine every day, and still have flare-ups that require an office visit to their eye doctor

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How does a cataract surgeon in Michigan choose cataract lens implants?

Patients frequently ask “How do you choose the lens implant that is right for my eye? Are all lens implants the same?” They want to know if everyone gets the same power lens, and how do we work to obtain a result that does not require glasses for our patients.
When a patient comes in for their surgical evaluation, Dr. Goldstein has a long discussion regarding an individual’s goals for surgery. If they only want distance correction, then a standard lens may be selected. If they prefer to eliminate distance AND reading glasses, then an advanced technology lens must be used, such as the Crystalens implant.
Once the general category of lens is chosen, careful measurements are carried out to determine the shape, length, curvature and power of the eye. Next, a list of possible lens implants and powers is printed out. The cataract surgeon in Michigan selects the proper lens implant based on the patient’s wishes, the desired outcome, and the experience of the surgeon.
Dr. Goldstein has more information on his website,, and appointments are available by calling 586-323-2020.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry Eye Syndrome is one of the most common problems in eye care today, and it seems to be increasing in frequency. It is also now recognized as a bigger issue in terms of good vision.
Most patients with dry eyes complain of dryness and grittiness. It may surprise some people to know that tearing is also a symptom of dry eyes. Patients with dryness will experience excessive tearing as their eyes try to compensate for the irritation that comes with dry eye. Blurred vision may also occur, either because of the tearing, or because good vision relies on a smooth tear film on the front of the eye.
Treatment usually starts with over-the-counter tear products, used up to 6 times daily. Other options include the use of Restasis prescription drops and the use of plugs in the tear outflow system. These treatments may be used in combination.
Most patients with dry eyes can have relief, but many require constant care, and are frustrated by constant dryness and burning.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The best LASIK surgeon in Michigan

Probably one of the most important issues facing a potential LASIK patient is how to choose their surgeon. How does a person find the best LASIK surgeon in Michigan? It may be the most important element of surgery, since the equipment used by most surgeons is similar in quality and accuracy. It comes down to finding a surgeon who is experienced, but has the time and the desire to take care of each patient individually.
Dr. William Goldstein is exactly that type of surgeon. He has been winning awards since his residency program in 1994. That year, he was Chief Resident, and won the Joseph Wahlers Award for patient care. More recently, he has received the America’s Top Ophthalmologist Award for three consecutive years! As for experience, he was one of the first to perform LASIK in Michigan, was the first to perform Implantable Contact Lens surgery in Michigan, and continues to stay on the cutting edge of his field.
To make an appointment, please call Dr. Goldstein’s office at 586-323-2020. You can find him on the web at

Friday, May 20, 2011

Health screening for cataracts in Detroit

From time to time, Dr. Goldstein participate in health screening events at the local community centers. These events are very useful for patients, in that they help them to discover issues with their eye health that they may not be aware of. For instance, high pressure in the eye could indicate glaucoma, which is not detectable because it does not cause any symptoms for patients. Cataracts, on the other hand, can cause very mild reductions in vision, and the vision screening may indicate this if the patient has trouble reading the chart.
After the screening, if cataracts or glaucoma are possible, then patients are advised to see an ophthalmologist for a full examination. A complete examination should be performed at that time, including dilation with eyedrops. In this way, early signs of disease can be detected to avoid vision damage. If cataract surgery is needed, Dr. Goldstein prefers to perform crystalens cataract surgery as an outpatient.
Cataracts in Detroit are best detected through a complete eye examination by Dr. William Goldstein. Call the office at 586-323-2020 now to arrange an appointment.

Monday, May 16, 2011

What is 20/20 vision?

20/20 vision has always been considered "perfect vision" by most people. And of course we have all heard nearsighted individuals call themselves blind! But it is hard to know what '20/20 vision' means, and we all know that nearsighted people are not truly blind.
The term '20/20 vision' became known as perfect vision because eye doctors used examining rooms, known as 'lanes' that were 20 feet long! If a patient could see normal sized letters at 20 feet, this was perfect vision. If they needed letters that were twice normal size, they had 20/40 vision, meaning that they were still 20 feet from the letters, but someone with perfect vision could stand 40 feet away and still see the letters.
Blindness is defined as 20/200 vision or worse in both eyes WITH corrective lenses or contact lenses. For this reason, as long as they wear their proper correction, nearsighted patients are not truly blind!
To find out more about 20/20 vision, or about eye surgeries such as LASIK or ReLEx surgery, please visit or call 586-323-2020 today. Visit the office of Dr. William Goldstein.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Glaucoma, The Silent Killer

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States in the elderly population, but it is a preventable cause! Unfortunately, it does not have any symptoms, so it is sometimes called the “Silent Killer of Vision” by eye doctors. It can only be discovered by an eye-care professional during a full eye examination. This is the reason that yearly eye exams are required for every patient above the age of 50.
So, how is glaucoma discovered during an eye examination? There are two findings that would raise a doctor’s suspicion. First, high pressure inside the eye, usually above 20 mm Hg, may be found. Even if the pressure is normal, glaucoma may be detected if the optic nerve inside the eye has an abnormal appearance.
Once an abnormality is found, testing needs to be done to determine if the patient has glaucoma or if they need to be followed for the future development of the disease. Visual field testing and optic nerve mapping with an OCT or HRT instrument are performed in the office of the eye doctor. If glaucoma is diagnosed, treatment is started, with eye drops or with laser treatment.
Dr. Goldstein performs eye examinations on patients to screen for glaucoma and other eye diseases. His in-office glaucoma testing center is convenient for patients, and features the latest, state-of-the-art technology. Call Dr. William Goldstein’s office, Laser Eye Care Center, at 586-323-2020 to arrange an examination.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Crystalens Cataract Surgery in Detroit

For crystalens cataract surgery in Detroit, Dr. William Goldstein uses all of the best technology available. That is why his office has been designated a "Crystalens Center of Excellence". Bausch and Lomb only gives this designation to the most experienced Crystalens surgeons!

If you need crystalens cataract surgery in Detroit, you need to see Dr. Goldstein. His surgery center is in Troy. He will take care of you every step of the way to make your experience pleasant, and easy.

The crystalens implant for cataract surgery can help you to reduce or eliminate your dependence on reading glasses once and for all.

Call Dr. Goldstein's office at 586-323-2020 for more information.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Implantable contact lens vs. LASIK Detroit

Implantable Contact Lens vs. LASIK Detroit is an area of current discussion in eye care.

Even though LASIK has been around longer,there are reasons that ICL surgery may be the best choice for getting rid of glasses and contacts.

"LASIK has been great for the last 2 decades", says Goldstein, "but the ICL has some clear advantages." Among the advantages are that patients who need cataract surgery later will have a more accurate result.

More information is available at

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

LASIK surgery detroit

Dr. William Goldstein is a leader in LASIK surgery, and was among the first in Detroit to perform this corrective eye surgery. When patients come for LASIK surgery in Detroit, they are provided with the finest in eye care by Dr. Goldstein.

Even patients who have very highe degrees of nearsightedness, in the -8.00 range, have very fast improvements in their vision. These patients can usually see objects across the room immediately after surgery, and can almost always drive to work the next day without glasses.

More information is available at, and patients can contact Dr. Goldstein through the website for more information or to arrange a free consultation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Crystalens Cataract Surgery Detroit

Dr. William Goldstein was one of the first to perform Crystalens Cataract Surgery Detroit, and finds that these lens implants provide the best results for his patients.

"When a patient wants a full range of vision without glasses, the Crystalens is the best choice. It provides distance, near and intermediate vision without glasses in about 90% of patients", said Dr. Goldstein today, after inserting these implants in 5 of his surgery patients.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Dr. G gives back to the community

What a great feeling! Our office is providing charitable eye care every year. Dr. G operated on a man who is out of work due to poor vision. He was desperate, because without a job, no insurance=no surgery. His previous eye doctor refused to operate without cash up front! When the Eagle's club came to Dr. G, he said "Let's do it!"! Congrats on your new vision, and new lease on life, Mr. Rahn!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Implantable Contact Lens Surgery is a big success!! Just ask Kara T, who was -12.0 of nearsightness before surgery, and is 20/20 in each eye without glasses now!

Friday, February 25, 2011

LASIK laser eye surgery, Detroit

Dr. William Goldstein provide free consultations for patients interested in LASIK laser eye surgery in Detroit, Michigan. LASIK laser eye surgery

Friday, January 07, 2011

New posts coming

Now posting directly to