Monday, August 22, 2011

Crystalens Cataract Surgery in Detroit

Crystalens cataract surgery in Detroit continues to evolve, with increased use of the lens and better results.

There have been several generations of crystalens implants for cataract surgery, and each one had its own strengths. Thousands of each version have been implanted, and the data is very good, and very complete.

Dr. Goldstein has been involved in the use and data research on all of the different generations of lenses in the United States. Currently, he recommends the Crystalens AO, which is also the most recent addition to the crystalens cataract surgery family. This particular lens functions in the same way that the other lenses did, meaning that it flexes to provide accommodation, or near vision focus. The difference is in the aspheric design, which allows a broader range of vision, with less chance of halos and glare.

Call the office of Dr. Goldstein, which is a crystalens center of excellence at 586-323-2020, or go to the website,

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Eye examinations help with Alzheimer's diagnosis

Eye surgeons are often caught up in the details of performing advanced technique cataract surgery in Detroit. But it has often been said that "The eyes are the windows to the soul". As an eye doctor, I have increasingly realized that the eyes are the window to the overall health of the body. Diagnosis and treatment of such 'full body' conditions like Diabetes and High Blood pressure are great examples.

A recent report indicates that a simple measurement in the eye is probably highly predictive for the development of Alzheimer's Disease! Yet another reminder of how important the eyes are in the overall health of the body. The small study indicates that measurement of the diameter of the blood vessels on the retina in the back of the eye may indicate high risk for Alzheimer's.

What will we do with this information? For now, further research is needed to determine the usefullness of these findings. Eventually, it may allow earlier treatment to prevent progression, or decrease the severity of the disease.

For more information about eye diseases, go to my website,, or call for an appointment, 586-323-2020.