Monday, August 16, 2010
Crystalens Detroit
Dr. Goldstein's website
Monday, July 12, 2010
Floaters in my vision!!
Is that normal??
That's a very common complaint when patients call the office. They are usually puzzled, often scared, and always eager to find out why they are seeing weird dots, floaters or webs inside their eye.
The only way to really assess this problem is with a complete, dilated eye exam. Even though the eyedrops are a hassle, they allow the ophthalmologist to look at the entire retina, including the optic nerve, blood vessels (veins and arteries), the macula and fovea, as well as the peripheral retina. The vitreous gel is usually optically clear, but sometimes floaters or strands can be seen within it.
But why are floaters a serious matter? Because in some cases, floaters can indicate a tear or detachment of the retinal, both of which are potentially sight-threatening issues. That's why when a patient calls my office with floaters, we get them in within 24-48 hours. A retinal detachment can be avoided if laser treatment around an early tear is performed.
In a very few cases, the detachment progresses, and a surgery on the inside of the eye (known as vitrectomy) needs to be performed. If none of these treatments work, the patient may go blind from this problem.
If you, or anyone you know, has floating dots, webs, or flashing lights in their vision, tell them not to wait!! Get it checked out, even if the symptoms seem to be getting better.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
You are the MAN!
This patient is in her late 40's, and came to me for LASIK surgery. Unfortunately, she was not a candidate for that surgery. So, instead, we decided to perform RELEX which means Refractive Lens Exchange. With that surgery, I remove the natural lens of the eye, and replace it with an artificial lens implant.
In her case, we used a lens called ReStor, which provides her with distance, intermediate, and near vision without glasses!! She also had astigmatism, and I corrected that at the same time using LRI's (Limbal Relaxing Incisions).
Day 1 postop, she is 20/30 at distance, 20/20 intermediate, and 20/25 at near!! Amazing! And such a happy patient....